Medicinal Garden

2018 Medicinal Garden Theme: Forest Medicine

“Nature itself is the best physician” - Hippocrates

Forests Can Heal
As a place to gather plants for treating ailments, to the healing power of simply walking through the woods, forests are a rich source of healing for people around the world.. Research has shown the therapeutic effects of forests and has attracted the attention of researchers in a wide range of fields, including forestry, psychology, health promotion, and medicine. As you walk through the Medicinal Garden in 2018, you will see many forest plants used for medicine and learn about the global effort to promote healing through forest spaces. Many of the benefits of walking through the woods also apply to cultivated garden areas as well! You may already be experiencing the positive effects from your time in the Garden. Dive deeper into your healing by taking a meditative walk in the Red Butte Garden Natural Area. A nice path through the native Gamble Oaks (Quercus gambelii) begins at the Oak Tunnel.

Click Here for a List of Medicinal Definitions and Terminology

The Places

801.585.0556 | 300 WAKARA WAY, SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84108
Copyright © Red Butte Garden